
Lingering Scents of Lavender

Thursday afternoon, after class, we went to an exhibition featuring works by artists such as Cezanne, who lived and painted in Aix, Picasso, Matisse, and many more. After some free time, the staff took us to a restaurant where we ate a mix of different foods such as prosciutto, potatoes, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, and meat with salad. It was so ...

Art, Culture, and Our Return to Marseille

Saturday- only halfway through another weekend, and there is already so much to talk about. Over the past few days, we have done a number of activities, such as visiting the Granet Museum and returning to Marseille to see the Marseille soap factory. Out of all of the different art exhibitions and museums that we have seen over the past few ...

Finishing Off the Week in Marseille

On Thursday, we started our day with class and followed that by being given our choice of going to the pool or a museum as our afternoon activity. I chose to go to the pool with some friends, because we felt like we needed a cold dip to cool off. Unfortunately for us, it started raining. We would have never expected that the day we chose to go ...

Music and Freedom

The best things in life always happen on a summer night. I don't know about you, but for me it has always been like that, especially now; almost every night here in Aix-en-Provence is amazing! Tuesday night, though, was more than that. I don't know how to describe it... I guess I could simply say it was surreal! We have all been to picnics ...

Fun in the Sun and an Unexpected Case of the Flu…

After an exciting weekend in Cannes and Beaulieu Sur Mer, we resumed class Monday morning. We learned mostly about clothing vocabulary and went shopping as part of our class in order to put our new vocab to use! This set of vocab will definitely be the one I remember clearest, considering my affinity for fashion. Following morning class on ...

A Work of Art: Second Half of Athens

Well that’s a wrap! Being in Greece has been an incredible experience, and we all had a blast! Everything from the ancient ruins scattered around the city of Athens to Greece’s picturesque blue waters that I fly above now. Although Rome is next on the agenda, Athens will not be forgotten. The second half of our time in Athens was just ...

Cooking Dinner in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat

Today we went to the restaurant "La Frégate" in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, where the students from Saint-Laurent cooked their own dinner! The menu: Quiche lorraine et Tarte tomates-mozzarella Hachis Parmentier et pâtes aux légumes du soleil Clafoutis aux fruits et mousse au chocolat! [caption id="attachment_2646" align="alignnone" ...

Delayed Trains, Matisse, and More!

Our schedule for the past few days had to shift, because all the trains were delayed. Instead of letting that affect us, we worked around the problem, taking buses and having fun all the way. My roommate and I had a relaxing day in St-Laurent-du-Var, and at dinner, our host mother mentioned that there are Zumba classes where we study in the ...


We have officially passed the halfway point of our stay in St-Laurent, and I cannot believe how fast it has flown by! The thought of this summer adventure coming to a close is unbearable, as both the bonds I've created and the experiences we've all shared together have been some of the best I've ever had. As I reflect on the trip thus far, I ...

Visiting Nice

The other night, we went to Nice as a group. We shared a quaint dinner on the beach, trying all of the niçoises specialties like socca (a salted crêpe with a soy bean base that is baked rather than fried). Then we all learned to dance the salsa in one of Nice's many squares. But I think by far the best part of my night was driving home on ...